Street Manager

Street Manager

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The street manager is currently only available to Dublin City Council.

The street manager allows an licensing authority to manage a streets dataset that will be available to applicants to choose from when creating excavations and recording the streets that works will be carried out on.

Information regarding engineering assets, protected periods for and any restricted work periods can also be managed via the Street Manager and make viewable to the applicant when an affected street is selected.


Streets dataset

With the introduction of the Street Manager, each licensing authority can enter the details of the streets in their region.

When adding an excavation to an application, the applicant will be able to use the street dataset to select which street their excavation will be carried out on. They will also be able to view additional details about the street such as the Traffic Impact Number and any current work restrictions.

Street Placeholders

A street placeholder can be used by an applicant when the actual street cannot be found in the Streets dataset.

A street placeholder has been created for each traffic impact number. If required, these can be changed by the licensing authority.

Road with Traffic Impact 0

Road with Traffic Impact 1

Road with Traffic Impact 2

Road with Traffic Impact 3

Road with Traffic Impact 4

Road with Traffic Impact 5

Engineering Assets

The Street Manager includes a feature to manage the special engineering assets that may exist on a street.

When creating or editing the details of a street, the engineering assets that apply to that street can be selected

Details of these assets will then be highlighted to the applicant if they select a street that has engineering assets associated with it.

Asset Types

Engineering assets can be added for the following asset types:



Bus Lane

Light Rail

Special Surface



Work Restrictions

Work Restrictions are applied to street(s) for a specified date period to indicate to applicants that roadworks are not allowed.

Applicants will be automatically informed if there is a works restriction in place for the period they intend to perform works on a particular street and will not be able to submit their application.  

The restricted period will be displayed to the applicant on the Works Programme calendar and applicants will be prevented from activating works during the restricted period.

Licence Limits

Street Limit: The licensing authority can control the maximum number of streets that can be worked on under a single licence. A limit can be set for each licence type.