Condition Templates

Condition Templates

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Condition templates can be managed by an organisation administrator.

Location: Settings > Road Licensing > Conditions > Condition Templates

Templates can be created to manage 'common' specific conditions that are applied during the conditioning stage when required.

A condition can be added to a licence using one of these templates any edited to suit the particular licence.


Create A Condition Template

1.Click the Create Template Condition button.

2.Select the conditioning department that the condition belongs to.

3.Fill in the details.

4.Click Confirm.

Edit a Condition Template

1.Click the department whose condition templates you wish to view.

2.Click the Pencil option.

3.Change the details.

4.Click the Tickoption. Alternatively, if you wish to cancel your changes select the Canceloption.

Delete a Condition Template

1.Click a department to view the template conditions.

2.Click the Bin option.

3.Click Confirm.

Re-order the Condition Templates

To move a condition template up the list, click the Move Up Arrow

To move a condition template down in the list, click the Move Down Arrow