Edit, Change & Document Requests

Edit, Change & Document Requests

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If there are any changes you believe are necessary, or additional files that are required to process the application, you can use the Request Edit, Request Change or Request Document option and specify the change/additional information required.

The applicant will be notified of the request and you will be sent a notification when they confirm that the request has been actioned.

What happens when I make an Edit, Change or Document request?

A notification will be sent to the applicant informing them that a Request has been made.

This will contain the comment / reason entered when creating the request. The tab specified in the edit request will be editable to allow the applicant to make the change(s) requested. Once the complete the change, the tab will made read-only again.

The assigned licensing authority user will be sent an notification when the applicant confirms that they have completed the change requested.

Edit Request

An edit request can be made at the Processing and Conditioning stages and should be used where an amendment to the application is needed.

Click to expand/collapse Create an Edit Request

Click to expand/collapse Revoke an Edit Request

Change Request

A change to a submitted Traffic Management Plan can be requested at licence stages Processing to Guarantee.

Click to expand/collapse Create an Change Request

Click to expand/collapse Revoke an Edit Request

Document Request

Additional documentation can be requested at any licensing stage from Processing -> Licence Closeout.

Click to expand/collapse Create an Document Request

Click to expand/collapse Revoke an Document Request