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Navigation:  Licensing Authority Guide > Processing & Managing Licences  >

When an application has been processed, it is moved to the Conditioning stage.

In addition to standard conditions, a local authority may wish to attach specific conditions. When conditions have been approved, all conditions will be made available to the applicant for review and agreement.

A licence will only be granted when an applicant confirms they have read and agree to the conditions of the road opening.

Click to expand/collapseConditioning
Click to expand/collapsePriority Conditioning
Click to expand/collapseAdd a Specific Licence Condition
Click to expand/collapseCondition Template
Click to expand/collapseInvite Teams
Click to expand/collapseApprove Conditions
Click to expand/collapseLicence Action: Submit for Approval
Click to expand/collapseReopen Conditioning