Add teams to a licensing area

Add teams to a licensing area

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Teams are assigned to Licensing Areas. The members of the assigned team(s) will have access to the licences in that Licensing Area.

Change the teams assigned to a licensing area

1.Click Settings > Your Organisation > Licensing.

2.Select the Licensing Area tab.

3.Select the row from the displayed list and choose the Teams option.


4.Select the Change button.

5.Select the teams that you wish to assign to the licensing area. To unassign a team, click on the team name so that it shows an X.

6.Click Save.

Create a New Licensing Area and Assign Teams

1.Click Settings > Your Organisation > Licensing.

2.Select the Licensing Area tab.

3.Select the Create Area button.


4.Enter a name for the licensing area.

5.The new licensing area is shown on the list. Select the row and click the Teams button.

6.A list of available teams is shown. Select the Change button.

7.Select the teams that you wish to assign to the licensing area.

8.Click Save.