Create or Edit a Conditioning Team

Create or Edit a Conditioning Team

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A Condition Team is a team that has used for a specific purpose.

Teams can be assigned to Licensing Areas. The members of the assigned team(s) will have access to the licences for that licensing area.

Create a conditioning team

A Conditioning Team is a team that is used for a specific purpose.

1.Create a team (via Settings > Your Organisation > Teams).

2.Select Settings > Your Organisation > Licensing.

3.Select the Conditioning Teams tab.

4.Click the Add Team button.

5.Select the team from the dropdown list.

6.Select the configuration settings to apply to the conditioning team.

Select Yes/No for the Auto assign to T2/3 Conditioning. This indicates if the team will be automatically assigned to conditioning T2 or T3 applications.

Select Yes/No for Make team Public. This indicates if the team can receive conditioning invitations from an external organisation.

7.Click Save.

Change the settings for a Conditioning Team

A Conditioning Team is a team with a specific purpose.

1.Create a team  (via Settings > Your Organisation > Teams).

2.Click Settings > Your Organisation > Licensing.

3.Select the Conditioning Teams tab.

4.Select the team from the list and click the Edit option.

5.Change the settings for the following.

Select Yes/No for the Auto assign to T2/3 Conditioning. This indicates if the team will be automatically assigned to conditioning T2 or T3 applications.

Select Yes/No for Make team Public. This indicates if the team can receive conditioning invitations from an external organisation.

6.Click Save.


To add a conditioning team to a licensing area, see Add teams to a licensing area