Search for Licences

Search for Licences

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Licence Search

Applicants can search for licences that match details selected/entered using a range of criteria. This includes by stage, licence type or licensing authority.


How the search is used, what is checked and any example

Licence Stage

Search for licences by current licensing stage e.g. Processing or Conditioning.

Licence Type

Search by licence by licence type. Choose from the following options: T1, T2, T21, T3, T4, T2-T3.

The T2-T3 type is used to find draft licences that don't have a licence category selected.

Licence Code

Search by the MRL Licence Code. The search can be performed using the full code or just part of the code.

Location Description

Search for licences which have a location description that matches this text. You can enter the full description or just part of the description.

Applicant Reference

Search for licences matching the applicant reference. Enter all or part of an applicant reference.

Excavation Area (m²)

Search for licences with a total excavation area (i.e. the sum of all excavations of the licence).

The minimum and maximum values that can be entered for this are 0 - 99999.

Open Inspection

Search for licences that have an open inspection defect and/or breach.

Traffic Impact

Search for licences which have excavations on roads matching the selected traffic impact number(s).

Licences created before the introduction of the traffic impact number are treated as having a traffic impact of 0.


Search for licences that were submitted by the selected applicant(s)

Licensing Area

Search for licences assigned to one or more of your licensing areas

Assigned Users

Search for licences which have been assigned to specific user(s) in your organisation

Submitted Date Range

Search for licences that were submitted during a specific date range


Search Example

In the example below, the system search for any licences submitted by your organisation that are a T2 or T3 with an excavation on a road that has a traffic impact level of 1.

Applicant search for licences


The results of the search will be shown as illustrated below.

It will include:

1.Details of the search criteria used

2.Results in a list

3.An option to view the results on a map.

4.Options to export the list results to a file.

5.The results in a list can be filtered using the filter control on a column header. Filters can be used on multiple columns.

6.The results in a list can also be sorted using the sorting control on a column header.
