Billing Report

Billing Report

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The billing report shows a summary of fees, deposits and refunds due on licences within a specified time frame.

This report will be useful for the following:

1.To create invoices for applicants that have an arrangement with the licensing authority to be billed for licences on a Weekly/Monthly/ /Yearly/… basis.

2.To gain insight into the transactions that should have taken place over a given period.

Report Access and Criteria

Availability: The report is available to users with either the Finance Managers role and the View Only (Licensing Authority) role.

When running the report you can choose:

Date Range - from and to date

Applicant Organisation: Use the 'Select All' option to include all applicants, or select the name of the applicant to view the billing details of licences belonging to a specific applicant.

Billing Events: Billing events reflect stages in the licence process that will generate a fee, deposit or refund. Any licences that have triggered one or more billing events in the selected date range will appear in the report.

Report Details

The billing report has three worksheets:

Sheet 1: Licences. Details each licence and a breakdown of all billing events that have been triggered by that licence during the selected date range.

Sheet 2: Billing Summary. This shows the number of licences included in the report, the number of billing events triggered by those licences and a breakdown of the billing event types

Sheet 3: Report Criteria. This shows the date the report was generated and the criteria selected when running the report.


Summary of licence details:

Licence Information: Includes general information about the licence such as licence code (with hyperlink to open directly), licence type, location description, programme details and applicant reference.

Application Submitted: If the 'Application Submitted' billing event has been triggered the Application fee will be displayed.

Application Granted: If the 'Application Granted' billing event has been triggered, the licence Specific Charges, Road Traffic Assets Deposit and Planned Reinstatement Deposit will be displayed.

Sign Off Licence: If the 'Sign Off Licence' billing event has been triggered, the Road Traffic Assets Deposit Refund, Measured Reinstatement Deposit difference, LTI Fees and Specific Guarantee Conditions Fees, will be displayed.

Licence Closeout: if the 'Guarantee Period Ends' billing event has been triggered, the Reinstatement Deposit Refund will be displayed.

Totals: Refer to the Total column for sum of all the fees charged for the licence.


Using the Report for Billing

When an applicant organisation has an arrangement with the licensing authority to be billed periodically for licences the billing report can be used to generate data for invoicing.

Step 1: Select the applicant organisation to be invoiced.

Step 2: Select the billing period.

Step 3: Run the report.

The report will contain all billing events triggered by licences belong to the selected organisation.

tipbulb Warning: Care should be taken to ensure that the reports billing period does not overlap with the previously ran billing period. Doing so could lead to double billing / overcharging for licences.

Using the Report to Gain Insight

The report can also be used to get an overview of licence fees for a given date range. For example, you may want to see the total transactions for all applicant organisations for the last 12 months.  


Step 1: Select a specific organisation or select All

Step 2: Select the date range.

Step 3: Run the report.


This report can then be used for gaining insight into the transactions that took place over the selected time period.