Active and Planned Works Report

Active and Planned Works Report

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Report Access and Criteria

Availability: The report is available to users with the View Only (Licensing Authority) role.

When running the report you can choose:

Date Range - from and to date

* To include planned works, set the To Date to the relevant future date.

Report Details

The billing report has three worksheets:

Sheet 1: Licences. Includes the general licence information (such as applicant, location description, purpose of works) and the works blocks dates, works types and status.

Sheet 2: Report Criteria. This shows the date the report was generated and the criteria selected when running the report.


Licence Details:

Licence Information

Licence code: Select the hyperlink to open the licence (requires MRL login authentication).

Licence Type

Licensing Authority

Applicant Organisation

Current Stage

Licensing Area

Location Description

Purpose of Works

Works Block Information

Start Date

End Date

Works Types



Works Status explanation:

Draft: Works block created but not yet submitted for approval

Submitted: Works block has been submitted for approval

Approved: Works block has been approved

Active: Works block has been activated