Licensing Tasks

Licensing Tasks

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The task list returns details of licences which relate to you, based on your role(s) and current licence assignments. It uses licence and team assignment to present the relevant licences.


List View: Licences categorised by stage and/or action required

Use the licensing tasks area to manage licences that are currently assigned to you (or which are unassigned).

The table below summarises the categories that are used on the Licensing Tasks screen and what licences they may contain.




Licences included (most are based on those

Required Role



Licences that are being processed

Unassigned T4s licences



Edit requested

An edit request has been issued and is pending or still being processed. Included in this are edit requests to tab details, requests for TMPs and document requests).


Extension Requests

Licences with an open extension request to the Works Days and/or Validity Period that require approval.

Withdrawal Requests

Licences with an open withdrawal request


Priority Conditioning

Licences processed and marked for priority conditioning

Conditioner or Conditioner Approver

Conditioning Required

Licences requiring conditioning.

Licences where your conditioning team has been invited to condition but not yet signed off.

Conditioning Rejected

Licences whose conditions have been rejected.


Ready for Approval

Licences whose conditions have been accepted and are ready for payment approval


Agreement Rejected

Conditions on these licences have been rejected by the applicant


Payment Approval

Conditions on these licences have been accepted and are ready for have been accepted on these Licences in Payment Approval stage that are assigned to you.

Finance Manager


Licences in Closeout stage that are assigned to you.


Work Block Approval

Licences with work blocks that have been submitted by the applicant and are ready for approval

Inspector or Inspector Approval

Works Blocks

Licences that have Works blocks which are soon to be active, are currently active, or were recently active.

This includes those that:

are approved and due to start within 7 days

currently active or has had a Completion/Stop notification submitted within the past 7 days.

with block completion or activation notice overdue.

The indication column will display the status of a licence and the status of works based on the applicant notifications.

Guarantee Period Ending

These Licences are reaching the end of their guarantee period (i.e. with end in 90 days or less)

Active Licences

This sub-category is a special group which contains all active licences which are not included in Works Block list (i.e. do not currently have an active; soon to be active; or recently active works block). An action does not necessarily need to be performed on these licences.

Active licences include licences in the Granted (T2/T3), Licence Valid, Validity Expired,  T5 Rejected and Guarantee stages which are potentially valid for works.



Inspection/Survey Requested

Licences that contain an open inspection/survey request.


T5 Sign-off

Licences that have been submitted to the licensing authority for T5 sign-off. This will now include licences that are pre-certification requirement as well as licences that have been certified.

Inspector or Inspector Approval

T5 Sign-off: LA Reinstatement

Licences submitted for T5 that have excavations that are marked as requiring LA Reinstatement.

T5 Sign-off: No excavation

Licences submitted for T5 sign-off that do not actually involve an excavation e.g. Works were not done or involved non-excavation works only.  

Open Defect / Direction

These licences have an open defect or an open breach with a direction

Resolved Defect / Direction

These licences have a resolved defect or breach. View details and decide if the defect/direction hasbeen resolved satisfactorily and use the accept or reissue option.

Closeout Sign-off

Licences that do not require certification and have come out of the guarantee period and have been submitted by the applicant for close out sign-off to progress to the Licence Closeout stage.

Closeout Certification Sign-off

Licences that an approved certifier has certified for close out and submitted to the licensing authority for sign-off.

Pending Temporary Reinstatements

Licences that have a temporary reinstatement with a status of pending - the reinstatement is completed with a linked licence. These will need to be reviewed by the licensing authority and the appropriate action selected to close the temporary reinstatement.


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