Close Licence

Close Licence

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Close Licence (Take back in charge)

At the end of the guarantee period, the local authority will reinspect the reinstatement. If found to be satisfactory, the local authority can decide to end the Guarantee period. Responsibility will revert back to the authority.

Close Early

The Local Authority can chose to close the guarantee period early for any reason by using the licence action 'Close Early'.

The Licence Holder will be released from responsibilities for the remainder of the guarantee period and the licence will move to Close-out stage.

Closeout stage

The licence enters the Closeout stage when the guarantee period is ended (for any reason).

This stage should be used for considering the licence fees before the licence is finally closed.

Closeout Actor

The main actor for the Close-out stage is the Closeout Actor. At least one user in your organisation should be assigned this role.