Licence Limits

Licence Limits

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A licensing authority can set certain limits that will be applied to applications made to their authority.

The licence limits can be edited by an organisation administrator selecting the Settings > Road Licensing > Configuration and opening the Limits tab.

Choose the Licence type that you wish to view/edit the limits for.

Depending on the licence type, one or more of the following limits will be shown:

Excavation Area Limit (m2)

The total area of the excavations specified in an application must be less than the limit specified for the roadworks category.  Should the limit be exceeded, a message will be displayed to the applicant informing them that the maximum allowed area has been exceeded.

To apply no limit, a value of zero can be used.


Advanced notification period (days)

This is the minimum number of days advanced notice that an applicant must give before the proposed start date of roadworks. An applicant will be able to select a start date that does not satisfy the advanced notice period, however, the roads authority can then chose to refuse the application, and an application fee may still be charged.


Validity Period

This is the period that the licence will be valid for and during which works can be conducted.

The applicant must enter the start date (which should respect the minimum advanced notification period). The end date will be set based on the start date + the validity period.


Guarantee Period (months)

This is the number of months that the guarantee period shall last.


Extended Guarantee Period (months)

This is the number of months that the guarantee period shall last in the case of one or more of the excavations having a depth greater than than 1.5 metres).

Maximum days an applicant can work during the validity period

This is the default number of days that an applicant can work on the road during the validity period. If they require more days on the road the applicant must use the Request Additional Site Work Days option on the Works Programme.

Minimum number of days advanced notice that applicant must give before going on the road

Minimum number of days advanced notice that applicant must give before going on the road

Enable T3 Automation

When set to On, an option on the processing stages is available to allow the actor to move directly to the Payment Approval stage.