Change team members

Change team members

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A user can be a member of multiple teams at any one time.

There are two ways to manage the team -> user relationships.

1.Method 1: Use the Settings > Your Organisation > Users screen to change the teams that a specific user belongs to.  This is covered in the section titled Change users roles and/or teams.

2.Method 2: Use the Settings > Your Organisation > Teams screen to change the users that belong to a specific team.  This is covered in the section below.

Add Users to a Team

1.Click Settings > Your Organisation > Teams.

2.Select the team from the list and choose the Users option.


3.This displays a list of users who are currently assigned as members of the selected team.

4.To assign another user to this team:

a)Select the Add User button

b)From the list of available users, select the row showing the user you want to assign and click the Add User option. (Select 'Yes' on the popup screen to confirm).


c)Repeat this step for each user you want to assign to the team.                

Remove Users from a Team

A user can be assigned to multiple teams.

1.Click Settings > Your Organisation > Teams.

2.Select the team from the list and choose the Users option.

3.This displays a list of users who are currently assigned as members of the selected team.


4.To remove a user as a member of the team, Select the row showing the user you want to remove and click the Remove option. Then select 'Yes' on the popup screen to confirm.


Repeat this step for each user that you want to remove/unassign from the team.